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Dueling Druids
Druids themselves are quick to point out that it’s not that simple. Even if they are all wearing flowing white costumes and carrying sickles for harvesting the mistletoe at the full moon (prototypical Druid activities most can agree on), Druid society is subject to vicious in-fighting over nuance, just like societies made up of fly fishermen, plumbers, or the Greek factions in the Iliad led by Achilles and Agamemnon who spend most of that classic poem fighting with each other instead of besieging Troy.
Shine theory, or “you can’t take the sky from me.”
Applying Shine Theory makes you "Shiny," and that is especially awesome if you are a fan of the doomed 1-season series, Firefly, and the follow-on movie, Serenity.
The Princess Profession
The bizarre hitch to the story is that largely due to George III’s bouts of mental illness during the crucial years of the six princesses’ debuts, only one of the six, the oldest, actually did manage to marry during the king’s lifetime. The other five continued to live with their mother, Queen Charlotte, in a frustrating perma-Princess existence which they referred to as “the nunnery.”
The Not So Telltale Heart
The Lost Dauphin was back in the news most recently in 2001, when two separate DNA labs analyzed tissue taken from a heart which had been preserved since 1795, which was claimed to have been wrested as a macabre souvenir from the chest of the Dauphin during his autopsy.
Is Your Novel the MacGuffin of Your Life? (If So: Good!)
But what role does the novel itself play in our life’s journey? It is a MacGuffin? Like every Grail-seeking Templar Knight ever, I have to scoff at the question and keep moving.